Common Indoor Pests

Indoor bugs can cause as much or more of a problem as outdoor pests. Protect your home from invasion with VIRIDIS Lawn Care of Salt Lake City, Utah. Our perimeter control can help keep unwanted insects from causing issues in your homes, lawns and gardens. Among the most frequent cross-over pests are:

  • Ants

Ants are the most common indoor or outdoor pest. They feed on anything available, including food in cupboards. They nest in small cracks in pavement or concrete. They can even cause structural damage if unattended. Dependent on the variety, control methods can range from easily manageable to extremely difficult.

  • Leaf Beetles

These bright beetles can cause damage to leaves of vegetables and flowers and shrubs. Leaves will appear holed and tattered when these beetles are left unchecked. Some varieties move into homes by to survive through the winter months.

  • Seed Bugs

These bugs are abundant in drought conditions both in and around homes as they follow moisture from irrigation of lawns or gardens. They prefer feeding on any plants in the cabbage family and can damage plants but are not a cause for concern with structural damage to homes or other buildings.

  • Indian Meal Moth

This moth often infests stored foods. Typically, the larvae are found in the food while adults can be found around the home. In order to rectify an infestation, all contaminated food must be removed and areas cleaned. Storing foods in air-tight containers can prevent problems with these bugs.


  • Fungus Gnats

These small flying bugs, while not harmful as adults (though annoying), can cause serious plant root damage as larvae. Overwatering indoor plants can perpetuate the problem. Allow pots to dry between watering to reduce larvae numbers.

  • Carpet Beetle

Also known as hide or warehouse beetles, these are one of the most common pests, infesting anything from stored foods for humans or animals to clothing and leather to other insect or animal carcasses. While these pests normally live outdoors, they can enter and reside in a home if doors or windows are left open during warmer months or if they are present on any produce brought indoors. Air-tight food storage and regular cleaning and vacuuming can help reduce and prevent an infestation.

Prevention is the best method of control but can’t always be accomplished. Let us help you keep these pests out of your home and surrounding areas.

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