Phosphorus is essential for your lawn

Some nutrients are essential for a healthy lawn. Understanding these nutrients can help you make decisions on types and amounts of fertilizer to apply to your grass. Let VIRIDIS Lawn Care of Sandy Utah, explain how and why phosphorus is important to have available to your lawn.
Phosphorus is one of the essential nutrients required for lawn health and growth. This is the second number on fertilizer bags following nitrogen and followed by potassium. Phosphorus helps new lawns get a great start by encouraging strong root growth which allows the grass to withstand more stressful environments and use the nutrients in the ground more fully. It also helps plants to mature more rapidly. Applying a fertilizer containing phosphorus can also strengthen already established lawns when the soil doesn’t contain adequate amounts.
While some phosphorus is good for root, leaf and flower growth, too much phosphorus can run off into water causing pollution and algae buildup which can damage waterways and kill fish. It moves through the soil slowly and plants require small amounts so over applying is common. Some states encourage fertilizing without phosphorus to reduce the runoff risk. Soil testing every few years can help insure you aren’t over applying phosphorus to your ground. Also, apply fertilizers containing phosphorus when the soil is dry or moist rather than saturated with water to help decrease runoff. Avoid overwatering to the point of water running down your sidewalk or driveway any time phosphorus has been applied to your lawn. This is also a healthy lawn practice regardless of fertilizers applied.
This nutrient is often available in the soil in adequate amounts but a lack of phosphorus can cause stunted growth, especially in young, recently planted grass. Hiring a professional to analyze and apply fertilizer can help you prevent over applying this essential but potentially harmful nutrient to your lawn. Let VIRIDIS Lawn Care take care of your lawn’s nutrient needs and fertilizer requirements.
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