Green Grass during Utah Drought

With summer fast approaching, hot dry weather can be a concern for your lawn and its health. Let us at VIRIDIS Lawn Care help you manage your resources to beat the heat this summer and keep your lawn looking its best.  Below are some helpful tips to recognize and treat your lawn’s issues during drought conditions.

One of the most noticeable symptoms of a lawn suffering during a hot dry summer is the color changing from a deep green to a dull greyish or blueish green hue followed by yellow and crispy tan if nothing is done to prevent it.

Another earlier warning sign is when it loses some of its springiness. Footprints and other tracks will remain visibly smashed down rather than bouncing back quickly. This happens as the leaves dry out. They may also roll or twist up. While rolling blades is one of the first signs that your lawn is lacking needed water, it is only noticeable if you actively inspect.

Obviously the best solution to grass drying out would be to water but sometimes water is either not available or under city restrictions. In any case, during extreme temperatures, watering at night or in the very early morning will best utilize this precious resource. Watering during the heat of the day, once the sun is up, will cause a  lot of waste through evaporation which will not only keep your lawn from getting the moisture it needs but also cost more money.

Fertilizer could also help conserve water. Often lawns look yellowish if they aren’t receiving the nutrients they need which could easily be mistaken for not enough water. Ensuring the grass has all the nutrients it needs to grow will enable you to know that your lawn is in need of water not fertilizer.

Mowing habits may also need to change. Keeping grass on the longer side can help shade roots and soil and keep moisture in. Try to keep grass at least 3 ½ inches tall. This will also help your lawn appear greener with the blade covering the thatch and roots.  Allow the clippings to stay on the lawn. This can help fertilize and also helps to shade and mulch around the root system.

Consider changing up your landscaping during droughts to decrease the area requiring water. Using rock, gravel, pavers or other similar options to replace lawn or flower beds can be a big step toward water conservation.

Using these techniques can help keep your landscaping looking good, even during droughts and hot summer weather. Let us as VIRIDIS Lawn Care help you manage your lawn to insure it always looks its best.

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